Sprains, Strains and RICE Procedure

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First Aid for Strains, Sprains, and Muscle Tears

Understanding Common Injuries

Strains, sprains, and muscle tears are common injuries resulting from falls or sudden movements.


A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon is overstretched or torn, causing bruising, swelling, and pain.


A sprain involves the stretching or tearing of a ligament, often seen in joints like the ankle due to sudden twisting motions.

Muscle Tear

Muscle tears, such as hamstring injuries, involve the tearing of muscle fibres, leading to severe pain and swelling.

First Aid Protocol: RICE Method

The RICE method is effective for treating strains, sprains, and muscle tears:

R - Rest

  • Sit or lay the person in a comfortable position, supporting the injured limb.
  • Keep the limb still to prevent further damage.

I - Ice

  • Apply an ice pack or cold compress wrapped in cloth to the injured area.
  • Do not place ice directly on the skin to avoid burns; use a barrier like cloth or bandage.

C - Comfortable Support

  • Wrap the injured area with soft padding and secure it with a conforming or crepe bandage.
  • Ensure the bandage is snug but not too tight; check circulation every 10 minutes.

E - Elevate

  • Elevate the injured limb above heart level on pillows or cushions to reduce swelling.

Handling the Patient

Consider the following when determining whether to move the patient:

  • If the injury is to the wrist or arm, a horizontal sling may be used to assist in moving the patient.
  • If the injury affects the leg or ankle, avoid moving the patient unless absolutely necessary.
  • If movement is required, ensure to support the injured limb and avoid placing weight on it.
  • Monitor the patient for signs of pain, faintness, or worsening symptoms.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively provide immediate care for strains, sprains, and muscle tears until professional medical help arrives.