Head Injuries and Treatment

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Head Injuries: Symptoms, First Aid, and Emergency Response

Understanding Head Injuries

Head injuries can vary from minor cuts and bruises to serious brain trauma. The brain's enclosed space in the skull means any swelling or bleeding can cause significant pressure on vital brain functions.

Symptoms of Head Injuries

  • Feeling sick or nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness, ranging from mild to severe
  • Changes in mental state or behaviour
  • Visible signs like blood or fluid from ears or nose

First Aid for Head Injuries

If someone has sustained a head injury, follow these steps:

Immediate Actions

  • Assess the situation and keep calm.
  • Keep the person's head and shoulders elevated.
  • Monitor their symptoms closely.
  • Do not leave them alone, especially if symptoms worsen over time.

When to Seek Medical Help

Head injuries should be evaluated by medical professionals, especially if:

  • Severe symptoms persist such as intense headache or persistent dizziness.
  • There are visible signs of fluid drainage from ears or nose.
  • Personality changes or behavioural differences are noticed.

Post-Injury Monitoring

Monitor the person for up to 48 hours after the injury for any worsening symptoms or signs of complications.

Emergency Response and Further Care

Activate emergency services promptly. Medical professionals will assess the severity of the head injury and provide necessary care and monitoring.

It's crucial to maintain warmth and comfort for the injured person while awaiting medical assistance.

Remember, any significant changes or new symptoms should prompt immediate re-evaluation by medical professionals.